Friday, August 8, 2008

Overthinkers Anonymous

To eliminate the vexation of the mind, it doesn’t help to do something; this only reinforces the mind’s mechanics. -- Lao Tzu

The professionals who work with alcoholics have created several screening tools to determine if one’s drinking has become a problem. Many of these are self tests and are very useful if you are honest. I have modified one of these questionnaires to look at thought addiction.

Are You a Thoughtaholic?

Please answer "yes" or "no" to the following:

1. Are you thinking more than you used to?
2. Has a spouse, partner, or relative, friend or coworker ever complained about your thinking?
3. Do you ever feel ashamed or guilty about your thinking?
4. Have you ever tried to stop thinking only to find that you could not?
5. Have you ever gotten into a verbal or physical altercation because of your thinking?
6. Do you start thinking as soon as you wake up?
7. Do you find yourself thinking before you go to sleep?
8. Have you ever asked anyone for help with your thinking?
9. Has your thinking ever caused problems between you and a spouse, partner, relative, friend or coworker?
10. Do you often think when you’re by yourself?
11. Do you seek out the company of other thinkers?
12. Do you continue thinking despite negative consequences due to your thinking?
13. Do you sometimes think in order to feel better?
14. Has anyone ever told you that they are worried about your thinking?
15. Have you ever lost a relationship or job because of your thinking?

Count up the number of "yes" responses and score accordingly:

0 = You are lying, take the test again and be honest.
1-2 = High degree of self-awareness with the ability to keep your thoughts from harming you or someone else.
3-5 = Problem thinker. Your thoughts are starting to get the best of you and have caused you a moderate degree of pain.
6-9 = Abusive thinker. Your thoughts are causing high levels of pain to you and those around you.
10 or more = Thinking dependence. You got it bad; your thoughts are running the show and you are just a bag of flesh being pushed around by the whims of the gray matter between your ears. You are also in the company of about 98% of humanity.

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